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Aggghhh! That feeling of 'not being good enough' is back. Yip it's reared its ugly head again - I just knew it, knew it would happen. It makes me feel tense and agitated with my shoulders haunched, my fists clenched and that recurrent feeling of dismay. Sound familiar?


We've all been there right? Overcome by feelings of self doubt, a lack of confidence to believe in ourselves and what we're really capable of. The difference is whether we choose to stay with these feelings or let them go. I know - that sounds so easy doesn't it? Just 'let it go' and move on. If only life was that simple - or is it? You see everything we do in life is about 'choice'. Choice to feel fulfilled, living our lives on purpose. We get to set our own targets - so why is it that we constantly fight with the comparison gremlin?


What would it be like to mute the voices that tell you you're not enough?

Click on the video link below to find out how Enlightenment could help you


















‘A spa day for the heart and mind’.  That’s how my Enlightenment course has been described by one of the participants’. 


What would that mean for you? To spend time focused on looking after your heart and mind? 


We spend more time suffering in our imagination wondering what could happen then taking charge in the present. 

What would it be like to lean in fully to the real authentic you? To mute the voices that tell you you're not enough and ignore the passion that tells you that you have totally got what it takes to make that choice


Is this you?


  • You want to nurture and thrive as yourself, honouring self care and challenging peace, connection and balance


  • You are done with feeling crushed and restricted by self-doubt and comparison


  • You want to stop wrestling with yourself, feeling like you have no purpose or direction in life


  • You crave feeling more present to the moment to live your life in every moment


  • You feel like your mind is always racing and want to learn how to interrupt the negative mind chatter


  • You’re constantly self critical and judging and want to build an authentic and loving relationship with yourself


  • You wish to awaken your true aliveness as an individual and feel empowered to be at choice


"A spa day for the heart and mind"



Enlightenment course 


Why complete the course?


I have created the course to channel self compassion, stand in your truth and know your worth.


It’s time to be enlightened to the possibilities that life holds for you when you connect with self belief. 


It's time to learn to trust yourself and feel connected to heart, body and wisdom.


It's time to start living your life from a fulfilled and wholehearted place.


During the course you will:



            Learn the reasons you wrestle between your head and your heart



            Practice tools to de-armour your self-protection and coping strategies



            Feel safe; supported and nurtured to be honest with facing and responding to

            your gremlins and self limiting beliefs



            Shine a light on your strengths and rediscover what you love about yourself



            Learn techniques to build your resilience enabling you to feel happy in your own

            skin radiating joy, love and self compassion


Join me - you're worth it aren't you?


There are two ways in which you can complete the course.


Face to face 1 day intensive 


  • Series of workshops

  • Mini 1-2-1 coaching time with Nicola

  • Handouts and takeaway materials

  • 1 month follow up email





Max 8  places


*Price includes light lunch – please let me know of any dietary requirements




4 week online programme


  • A weekly email (on Wednesday’s) with worksheets and video instructions for the following weeks work.

  • Weekly group call on a Tuesday evening 8pm – 9pm via Zoom (a free online platform). On the call I will share additional information about the week’s topic and invite you to share examples of what you have gained from the work you have completed.These will be recorded so that if you miss the call you can watch it back in your own time. Attending the live call is not a fundamental part of the course.

  • A place in the closed Enlightenment ONLINE Facebook group so that you can chat to the other participants in between the calls and share your learning and experience.


Next cohort: 










What previous participants have said:


""A couple of weeks post course I now feel there is a grand change in me, I am brave, I am content, I feel connected to my heart and feel free. I have dropped my armour which has been stopping me from moving forward towards my wholehearted way of living. I would recommend this to anyone who is in a search for meaning and happiness in life.."


"An amazing experience, it unlocked things in me I didn't realise were there. I feel mentally lighter and more free. It was a privilege to participate and I felt so safe and supported through every step of the journey. I would highly recommend this workshop"


" It was one of the most enabling experiences I have had this year.
Nicola, You supported us all so gently and with such kindness that I am truly grateful.
I would not want to give away any of the content of the day, but I promise anyone who attends this workshop in the future will walk away feeling grateful, loved and whole.
I have spent the last few days glowing in the aftermath and planning for the future.
Simply a beautiful way to grow. Thank you x"



" It has helped me open up to a little more of who I am - what makes me tip into those mindsets that become unhelpful and how I can look on the other side of that for more truth.

I have been able to identify in some situations where I’ve reacted a little more positively towards myself - finding compassion and beginning to pick up a belief in who I am.

Nicola is a wonderful facilitator and delivered it with kindness, enthusiasm and care. Thank you."


""Nicola is such an inspiration. Her energy, positivity, compassion, understanding, dedication and authenticity are infectious and her support is invaluable. The Enlightenment Online course has been a real revelation. Thank you very much :) "."


"Nicola has helped me to identify some of the things that are holding me back in life and to move forward in a more joyful and energetic way. The day has helped me rediscover my spark and feel excited about the future again."


"Attending the workshop has helped me take the first steps in accepting that it’s ok to be me and not to judge myself so harshly. That I do deserve happiness"


It's time to take the next steps



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