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Published material

Please find links to my published posts below:


'When you feel like you’ve got the whole world in your hands – my top tips to feel like you again' Medium - October 2020

5 tips to help you feel like yoo again by challenging the limitig beliefs and negative gremins which keep you feeling stuck


'You can't type 'self worth' into a sat nav!' Medium - August 2020

Recognising the need to embrace self worth as a lifestyle not a luxury, especially in response to recent times



'Honesty, joy and courage – a tale of a girl who claimed back her heart as her own' Medium - July 2020

Creating my own self worth contract and putting FIRST things first.



'It's time to banish self-doubt - 5 tips for overcoming self-doubt' Medium - June 2020

Reaching for the stars and chasing your dreams



'The true gift of presence?' Medium - January 2020

Connecting to the present moment and noticing what’s really around us



'Managing the mind chatter - 5 ways to switch off and feel alive again' Medium - January 2020

5 different techniques for switching off the mind chatter and enabling you to feel more in control again. 



'To-do to Ta-Dah - why having a to do list could be damaging your mindset' Medium - January 2020

Considering an alternative perspective to a to-do list that enables you to celebrate your achievements not focus on what's still left to do



'The art of saying no - I dare you to try it' Medium - November 2019

The fear of saying no to others can feel crippling- here I share my 'gaga' moment that helped me say no to others and yes to myself!



'The beauty of chaos - why I am embracing it and invite you to join me' Medium - September 2019

Recently I have been drawn to being more spontaneous and the curiosity behind what that may bring. so I share my top tips with you to help you try it out too



'Four ways to raise your self esteem' July 2018

The realities of honouring self worth - a guest blog for 



'When did you last visit the mind gym?' Thrive Global - June 2018

It’s time to stop plugging the guilt of self-doubt and step out, reach out and start showing up!



'Get up and get out there!' Thrive Global - June 2018

Why networking could be the one thing that propels your business forward 



'Goodbye energy vampires! Thrive Global - May 2018

Why some of the closest people to us are holding back our right to building resilience



'What if?!' April 2018

Inviting mindfulness into your life and finding peace and connection after being treated for a life threatening illness such as cancer - a guest blog for



'Is Failure inevitable?' Thrive Global - March 2018

Why many of us set unrealistic expectations and why the simple phrase ‘I am’ could change this



'Sitting still isn't lazy is it?' Thrive Global - February 2018

Dispelling the myths of our own made up beliefs and learning about how embracing the Hygge lifestyle could be the way forward 



'Is this the formula for happiness?' Happiful - December 2017

A guest article for Happiful on my volunteering work with Action for Happiness. 

'Nicola Arnold tells us about the incredible work done by Action for Happiness, and why volunteering means so much to her'



'The real reason I'm taking off my armour and still standing strong' Thrive Global - December 2017

A tale of vulnerability, self doubt and enlightenment - how to overcome the fear of not being enough



'Get out of your bubble' Thrive Global - November 2017

Taking action and overcoming the negative talk that stops you achieving your dreams



'How comparison can take over our lives and the simple steps we can take to diffuse it' Thrive Global - September 2017

This blog talks through the simple concepts we can take to diffuse the ‘I’m not enough’ disease many of us have been infected by.



'The good life. The reason gratitude became my friend and why I’ve never looked back' Thrive Global - June 2017

Describing the positive impact gratitude has had on my life and how you can get started too



'The real reason you're still in that dead end job' Thrive Global - April 2017

Describing why we might feel demotivated at work and what we can do to reignite the passion



'Four benefits of connecting with the present moment' Thrive Global - February 2017

An introduction to mindfulness, the benefits of practising it and some simple techniques to try out



'The Main Reason We Compare Ourselves — My Awakening That I Am Enough — Are You?' Huffington Post (Lifestyle) - February 2017

What’s your take on comparison and what is the one thing you could do today that supports BEING YOU - not comparing yourself to others? This blog shares some tips on banishing the comparison gremlins



'Standing in my own spotlight' Huffington Post (Women) - October 2016

A story of hope, of strength and of celebration. I want to help you reconnect with that feeling again and go out there with your heels on and conquer the world!



'What does fulfilment mean to you? Huffington Post (GPS for the soul) - October 2016

Discovering what fulfilment means to you 



'I am, I feel – a tale of compassion and longing for a kinder society' Huffington Post (Wellness) - August 2016

Encouraging more kindness in how we're being what we do



'I'll do it tomorrow' Huffington Post (Wellness) - August 2016

The art of procrastination and how to free yourself and achieve your to-do list



'The simple key to unlocking creativityHuffington Post (Arts and Culture) - May 2016

3 tips for connecting with creativity and freeing the mind



'Life, it's all childs play. A lesson in life by my nephews aged 3Huffington Post (Arts and Culture) - May 2016

Getting in touch with your creative side by opening the mind



'It's time to banish self-doubt - 5 tips for overcoming self-doubt' Huffington Post - April 2016

Reaching for the stars and chasing your dreams



'It's time to live authentically' Elephant Journal - March 2016

Focusing on vulnerability and self doubt and how to overcome it



'If you want something you can't just wish for it - you've got to make it happen!' Huffington Post (Women) - February 2016

Reaching for the stars and chasing your dreams



'Blue skies and bad hair days - the true value of friendship'  Huffington Post (Healthy Living) - February 2016

Celebrating the true value of friendship



'The art of saying no' February 2016

Putting your self first in honour of your values - a guest blog for  



'When did you last take a walk with gratitude?'  Huffington Post (GPS for the soul) - January 2016

A chance to consider what we appreciate in life and focus on our achievements 



If the Here and Now Represents a Caterpillar and Butterfly the Future - what do you need to become that more vibrant and radiant self? Huffington Post - January 2016

Reflecting back on the previous year and how you want to show up moving forward



'Self-care - luxury or life style?'  Huffington Post (Healthy Living) - November 2015

This focuses on how we place our values in life and how we take care of ourselves







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