Standing in my own spotlight
This time last year I was just getting ready to embark on my final weekend of core curriculum coach training. It was an exciting time as I looked back on my journey so far, remembering what I had learnt, how my dreams had changed and grateful for the friends I had gained along the way.
There was also a sense of achievement as I realised how much I had grown as a person, the insecurities I had uncovered and overcome and how I had allowed my vulnerability to lift to the surface so I could face the demons I had carried along with me for such a long time.
I felt immensely proud and nervous with anticipation as to what might happen next. I can remember clearly my core friends commenting how much I had blossomed, even wearing colour - which was a big thing for me. Black had always been my favourite colour, I felt safe in it and blended into the background. However suddenly I felt compelled to add a splash of colour and found myself sitting up straighter and interacting more. I could walk down the corridor looking around rather than with my eyes focused on the ground. I felt confident. It was quite a transition.
What I truly knew then and still know now is that coaching is a gift and a true honour to be involved in. For me there is no greater feeling then when you have a true connection with a person and can walk their journey with them as they evoke transformation and strive for what they really want. For me it's about providing a platform for them to stand tall in their spotlight and have real self belief that they are truly and naturally creative, resourceful and whole. I call it liquid gold. Its glorious rich warm colour represents the essence of the conversation as it flows back and forth dancing in the moment.
As always life is about choices, and last August I made a choice to sign up for certification after winning a partial scholarship with CTI. I am still forever grateful to all the people who voted for me and championed me to reach out and strive for what I really wanted and of course for CTI believing in me too. I never imagined how much I would continue to flourish as I embarked on the next stage of my journey.
One of my intentions when I started certification was to transform from a caterpillar to a butterfly who wanted to radiate beauty with her wings and man am I totally in HD colour right now! The 6 month course took me on an even deeper personal journey and provided me with the empowerment to stretch myself and just totally coach from the heart. I felt truly lifted and with the support of my own coach made the transition to the person I am today. I uncovered some fierce courage that clearly was lying dormant and embraced the opportunities to be creative and connect with my clients unleashing such powerful intuition which everyone I have worked with, both client and coaching colleagues have described as 'being on fire'.
This stage of my journey taught me so much about 'being' a coach and how to really make that connection with your client. I also learnt valuable lessons about staying true to my own values, taking care of myself and most important that when things don't go well it's not about the failings but about what you leant about the experience and how you take that forward. I'll be honest, there were times when it all felt too much, trying to hold down a full time job, coaching business and studying. Times when you didn't know where the next client would come from or when you would get time to study. However with determination, courage and a little bit of faith, it did all come together, the clients did come forth and I did get time to study. It was about taking charge of what I really wanted, taming my gremlins, appreciating the good things in life and reassuring support and championing from my coach, family and friends.
As I write this today having gained my CPCC last month, there is so much to be thankful for and so much that I have achieved. Enkindle (my coaching business) meaning to illuminate or glow is exactly how I am feeling right now. I am standing in my own spotlight, immensely proud and so excited about what happens next. I feel truly aligned with my life purpose and living my values on a daily basis. It's like my life is in HD, I notice so much more of the beauty of the world around me as I take time to 'just be' and have noticed I am taking pictures regularly to capture these moments. I also find myself making conscious choices to do the things I really want to do not just feel compelled to do. This is also true of relationships too, it's important to spend time with the people who truly mean something to you, and don't forget to tell them that too.
I guess the most important take home message from this blog is never underestimate what you can achieve and to always believe in yourself. I stepped over my fears, stood tall and took ownership of what I really wanted and I would love to encourage you all to do the same. After all as Enkindle's motto says - If you want something you can't just wish for it, you've got to make it happen!
Have you conquered something you have always wanted to do? I'd love to hear your comments and how it has changed you as a person. Or if you're reading this thinking I need to do something then please do drop me a message to find out more about how I could help you stand in your own spotlight.